Day 10: you saw the front of 10 in the last post. it is an acrylic scallop square. i journaled about my holiday decor right on the photo (use a marker for slick surfaces...sharpie PEN (not a sharpie) or the American Crafts Slick Writers work great too).
Day 11: This is actually the page for Day 22. I carefully peeled off the numbers and switched them. The blue paper just made more sense for today. I documented about how COLD it has been here lately. It has been serious heavy coat weather. And yes, it did snow one night. (I got the idea to print out the weather report from my BF Ali Edwards)
Day 12: Just a 4x6 pic with a white boarder. Then on the back I printed the journaling and 2 more pictures.
Day 13: simple, I just printed off a CD case from Itunes and cut it to fit the page. Then journaled around the edge. (yes, journal can be used as a verb too). There is nothing on the back.