this LO totally suffers from being interrupted way to often! It is kind of scattered. It looks like it should be two one pagers, But I kind of like it. It is growing on me. The paper was bazzill and scraps from paper that I bought in March from Roberts that got the name cut off. I used my new font Biography. It is the perfect size.
i love biography! I can't wait to use it in a few weeks. do you love it? i also love the stamping. oh and do you still want to set up a party because Lera's sister will totally do one for us.
hmmm...i think yes. but maybe we should just order from her? i don't have anyone to invite...just us...maybe you have some peeps?
i do love biography. it reminds me of letter stickers...which are always the perfect size. i hate buying them because i have a million letter sets, but they aren't usually the right thing. hey what do you think about adding lera and my sister as posters to our blog? my little sis is getting good. (probably because she is related to me :o)
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