44/210 (
a little bit of me)
so the background is actually light aqua. i am having troubles with my camera flash. i think the boy was playing with it again. we have some: cosmo cricket, crate paper, october afternoon (journal card) sassafrass lass (bunny chip circle), American Crafts, Basic Gray and MME. Did the hand stictching, but I don;t like it...too late to do anything about it! So...am I the only one scrappn' these days?
well.. i will be starting soon. however, i came across some sad news.. all my study abroad pictures are corrupted and wont open.. so i will have to make do with fuzzy tiny scrapbook pictures.. and then.. WEDDING!! wahoo. so hopefully we will get a huge jump on that # soon :)
you pretty much are the only one scrapping these days! life has been so hectic this month, i haven't scrapped a bit. hopefully june i can get back into it again!
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